EuGene Jordan - Founder

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Husband, Father, Speaker, Writer and Founder of EuGene is bravely tackling the adventures of Relationships, Parenting and life all through the lens of a Man.



EuGene, transitioned from a large, two-parent family with his seven siblings, to becoming a husband at the age of 21 and a father at the age of 23. It was this experience that drew an appreciation for the wealth of wisdom, advice and good examples that could be found in the men around him.



EuGene recognises that the true depth and value of men are rarely explored within the media, which has been the inspiration behind the intuitive 'fatherhood' series.



EuGene's vision for is to give men from all walks of life the opportunity to come together and join a conversational dialogue with a common goal to help develop ourselves and better serve the needs of those under our care.



The mission of Men and Marriage is based on EuGene's conviction that the true progress of men truly lies in our ability to share real-life experiences, whilst being honest and transparent in building a community that is centered around encouraging every man to exceed their father and pave the way.



If you'd like to read more from EuGene or would like to connect online then follow on these social networks:

Instagram @IamEuGeneJordan

Twitter @IamEuGeneJordan





If you're a face-to-face kind of person and would like to invite EuGene to speak at an event you're hosting then please feel free to get in touch by clicking our booking form TODAY! 




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